Our beautiful
daughter, Lucy…

In November 2021 our beautiful daughter Lucy sadly decided that this world was too much for her and tragically took her own life at just 17 years old.  She was the most incredible, caring, funny, sensitive, talented star and an amazing swimmer – with butterfly being her speciality stroke. Our kind-hearted girl, a wonderful big sister and an affectionate granddaughter has left an unimaginable hole in all our hearts forever.  We know that Lucy would want us to do all we can to prevent this tragedy happening to other young people and so we begin our journey of change.

The need to focus on something positive drives us forward and so Lucy’s Wings of Hope was born.

The aim is to bring awareness around the biggest killer in young people and more importantly raise vital funding and awareness for our chosen charities which our various events will support.

We honestly believe that if every young person who is struggling with their mental health and thoughts of suicide were more aware of the amazing help that is out there, then many of these unnecessary young deaths could be prevented. We have been fortunate enough to have the amazing support of friends and family, and would like to share the various ways they have supported our cause and Lucy’s Wings of Hope.


Jo, Ben & Katie

Total raised to date: £189,473.00


Lucy’s Wings of Hope Keyrings

As a way to spread awareness for the support that is available, we have created some keyrings which we hand out at various events, schools, universities etc.

We hope this is a simple and attractive way to get the information out without it being overwhelming. These have been made of wood so biodegradable and very universal.

Crowdfunding helps towards to the costs of creating these, with every penny raised going towards our on-going awareness.

Donate today

There are a number of ways to donate – either select one of the charities we’re supporting or via the links on the events page. Watch this space to buy our specially created keyrings so we can raise awareness way beyond our network.

Thank you all so much for your support.


Charities supported

The national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.
Find out more
Baton Of Hope UK is designed to be the biggest suicide awareness and prevention initiative in the UK.
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Young Minds is a charity fighting for young people’s mental health.
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Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide exists to meet the needs and overcome the isolation experienced by people over 18 who have been bereaved by suicide.
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Winston’s Wish support grieving children and young people after the death of someone important.
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